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Stephen King makes sure Lauren Boebert knows what she actually should be focusing on instead of Joe Biden

The King of horror had just four simple words for the Republican congresswoman.

Photos via Astrid Stawiarz, Alex Wong /Getty Images

Like many across America, in the wake of yet another string of horrific mass shootings, author Stephen King just wants politicians to redirect their focus to a more pressing matter and do the job thousands of residents across the nation elected them to fulfill. 

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Tuesday evening, on April 11, the “King” of horror interjected guns activist and Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert Twitter rant over financial records subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee belonging to the family of President Joe Biden. 

Earlier this week, the House quietly, not so more, issued several subpoenas for documents and bank records as part of the Republican-led investigation into the financial dealings of the president’s family. 

However, with recent events such as the two mass shootings that occurred nearly two weeks apart, King felt the need to alert the Republican politician of more urgent issues such as: “Do something about guns.”

Many online already feel Boebert may not be capable of doing such a thing either because of her support for firearms or simply because she may not know what one looks like, as suggested by a Twitter user who proposed a photo of a gun be shown to conservative pundits.


Similar to her colleague Marjorie Taylor Green, amid grief over innocent lives lost, including that of three children at a private Christian elementary school in Nashville, TN, who was shot and killed along with three other last month, Boebert chose to spew reckless statements online and give her undivided attention to concerns over whether the 2024 Democratic National Convention would be providing “complimentary” bulletproof vests at the August 2023 event.