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The best reactions to Florida’s idiot AG thinking Biden was president in 2020 instead of Trump

There's dumb, and then there's Florida dumb.

Florida AG Ashley Moody looking upset while Joe Biden laughs in three separate circle bubbles
Photos by Joe Raedle/Getty Images, Tom Brenner/Getty Images, Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images, and Megan Varner/Getty Images

There’s no end to the idiocy of the modern GOP, and the stupidity seems to be catching. It’s certainly gotten its hooks in Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, who recently blasted President Joe Biden for his response to Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

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The issue? Biden wasn’t president in 2020, and — while Moody never outright claims he was — her statement certainly seems to hinge on his position of power during the fraught year. She recently blasted the president for his response to the rampant protests boiling over at universities across the nation as young people practice their freedom of speech in support of both Gaza and Israel.

As an add-on, she also decided to criticize Biden’s reaction to Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, which brought extremely necessary attention to the horrific treatment of Black Americans by our police. Sure, both protests led to some property destruction and widespread criticism of our nation’s institutions, but property isn’t worth nearly as much as human lives. If people actually recognized that, these protests wouldn’t be necessary.

That whole concept soars far over Moody’s head, as does the timetable of the presidency, it seems. Biden was elected in 2020, yes, but he didn’t actually take office until 2021. So all those “cities and towns being burned” she’s citing were “looted” under Donald Trump’s watch ⏤ you know, the guy currently sleeping and pooping his way through his hush money trial.

The rest of the nation is well aware of that fact, and wasted no time in correcting Moody’s memory lapse. They piled onto the empty-headed Attorney General in the comment section of her tweet, where they informed her of just how embarrassing her latest take is.

The best reactions to AG Moody’s brainless Biden criticism

Responses to Moody’s pitifully incorrect tweet veer between “friendly” reminders about just when Biden took office and scathing takeaways about the mental capacity of our Florida officials. They all have one thing in common, however: they’re all utterly embarrassed to recognize Moody as an elected official.

Comments blasting Moody as “embarrassing” are frequent in the response to her tweet, where people can’t seem to wrap their heads around her eye-roll of a take.

Even if those jumping in to defend Moody are correct and she didn’t mistake which president was in office in 2020, her lack of clarity isn’t doing her any favors.

Past hilarious responses dragging Moody for her terrible take, quite a few people piled on to remind the Florida AG that, if she was really concerned with cities being “burned,” she should be pointing the finger elsewhere.

All those reminders to Google before tweeting and work to avoid blasting her idiocy for the world to see don’t seem to be affecting Moody much, but they’re most certainly affecting the country’s opinion of her.