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‘They sound like parrots repeating what their husbands say’: A group of ‘boomer’ MAGA women shared their thoughts on Kamala Harris and things got….specific

It seems absolutely nothing could make them vote for Kamala Harris.

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Images via TikTok / @stop_p2025

Since stepping up to the plate, Kamala Harris has had a whirlwind few days. While the polls certainly indicate that many have more confidence than her than Joe Biden, she certainly has her fair share of detractors.

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She’s had plenty of high profile endorsements, but no presidential candidate can possibly appeal to every single demographic. But hey, that’s just the nature of politics. While minorities, women, and the younger generations may be more inclined to vote for the Democrat, the older generation, especially white boomers, seem to gravitate more towards Trump.

A clip posted to TikTok from MSNBC shows a group of ‘boomer’ MAGA women from Wisconsin being asked their opinions on Harris, and let’s just say they don’t exactly mince words. The group of seven seemed to unanimously agree that Harris is actually worse than Biden, with one criticizing her for not knowing what’s going on at the border. One of the more vocal members of the group flat out labeled her as an “idiot” claiming: “she hasn’t done anything in the time she’s had.”

Did these women have any actual valid criticisms?

The most valid point from these women comes down to border control. They do have a valid point, seeing as Harris has been pretty relaxed on trying to solve the crisis. According to The Week, as VP, she was tasked with addressing the issue, but did not visit the area for months, and when she did, she downplayed the urgency of the crisis.

No politician is perfect, but it seems their judgment of Harris is a bit harsh. After all, most of a VP’s work is done behind the scenes – can you honestly tell me you remember anything Mike Pence did, or Joe Biden when he was Barack Obama’s VP? People don’t always pay attention to what a VP is doing, so is it really fair to make such a claim against her?

They had some very specific complaints

Aside from that, there’s very little substance to the women’s complaints against her. It’s mostly nonsense, just like Russell Brand’s ridiculous rant. They resort to questioning her intelligence and name calling. Honestly, you have to wonder why they’re focusing so much on her intelligence and where these views are coming from. Is it just because she’s a woman? Don’t get me wrong, there is an idiot running in this race, it just isn’t Kamala Harris. 

Down in the comments, people criticized the group of boomers with one saying: “They are voting for a rapist, a felon and a pedophile? They are disgusting, disgraces to other women!” Others agreed with the sentiment. You’d think a female presidential candidate would have the support of a group of women, but oddly enough, these women actually admit to being scared of Harris! Imagine being scared of her, but not the sexist, racist, ableist guy on the other side.