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‘Where is the FBI?’: Donald Trump celebrating his immunity from criminal prosecution by plotting ‘high treason in broad daylight’

We're sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation why Trump's plane was parked next to a Russian aircraft for two days.

Donald Trump and Trump Force One
Images via Wiki Commons/Getty/Joe Raedle / Staff

Trump Force One was parked next to a Russian embassy staff plane for two days at Dulles International Aiport, not long before the Supreme Court ruled Donald Trump could plausibly do whatever he wanted as president, according to New York Times journalist Seth Abramson on X.

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Abramson shared a picture of the two planes side-by-side. Andrew Leyden, a freelance journalist, first shared the photograph. Abramson captioned his post, “UPDATE: The planes were side-by-side for two full days, in an isolated part of the airport. The Russian plane is the one the Kremlin uses to move people and documents from the United States to the Kremlin. There has been no explanation for this — and media has not asked about it.”

Famously, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump are friendly, Abramson noted. And Russia interfered in the 2016 election when Trump won the White House. “I’d feel better about this ‘coincidence’ if Trump’s jet hadn’t been where he secreted stolen classified docs he publicly said he has every right to sell or gift as he sees fit, and if the Kremlin weren’t interfering in this election on his behalf and wanting payment for doing so,” Abramson commented.

A UAE plane joined the fun

via Seth Abramson/X

In a subsequent post, Andrew Leyden noted a United Arab Emirates Air Force C-17 was also parked nearby. So was it a coincidence, or was there something else going on? “Well the most obvious explanation is that the Russian plane was fuelled and ready to go if the Supreme Court ruled no immunity,” Ed commented on Abramson’s post. Suggesting treason, the “Supreme Court made it legal now!” Jaydub added.

Coincidence or not, the arrangement of the planes seemed suspicious to many who commented on Abramson’s post. “Where’s the FBI?” Susan Tweets wrote. “High treason in broad daylight, seems on brand,” Alex Strand noted. Leyden later said the Russian plane took off a few hours after the UAE aircraft arrived. It’s unclear if Trump was ever photographed in the area.