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‘You can’t love your country only when you win’: Joe Biden skewers MAGAs with restorative SOTU address, much to Donald Trump’s dismay

Trump may not gain America’s trust, but he is making us laugh.

Joe Biden SOTU speech Donald Trump
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

When President Joe Biden began his State of the Union speech on March 7, it was clear that he was done expecting MAGAs and their leader to make sense for once. In his speech, which has been popularly titled “fiery” and energetic, he tore the Republicans a new one and blasted Donald Trump multiple times without naming him once.

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Needless to say, the ex-POTUS is not amused.

If we were to quickly recap Biden’s speech — which is perhaps the top moment of his political career so far — he didn’t let his usual calm demeanor stop him from laying onto the MAGAs, underlining how the repeated narrative about his cognitive capabilities have been blown out of proportion, calling out the Republicans stance on many policies, and expertly criticized Trump.

Biden laid out many bitter truths and disappointing antics of Trump, even mentioning the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol and condemned everyone who tried to pass off a deadly event as nothing. 

“My predecessor — and some of you here — seek to bury the truth about Jan. 6 — I will not do that. This is a moment to speak the truth and to bury the lies. Here’s a simple truth. You can’t love your country only when you win.”

Oh boy. Biden certainly went against how the likes of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expected him to perform during the speech. 

But keeping restoring normalcy to the universe, Trump went predictably bonkers once Biden’s speech was over and was, to his extreme horror, getting praised. After all, if you are not on DJT’s side, you are just making up “fake news.”

For someone whose posts themselves feel like indulging in a one-sided screaming match, Trump’s delicate senses found that every line of Biden’s vigorous speech was “shouted.” According to the ex-president, Biden’s speech was the “Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made.” Don’t sell yourself short, Trump. Remember publicly mocking Serge Kovaleski, the reporter who has arthrogryposis, a congenital condition that affects the joints? Is that your unique definition of compassion?

Of course, Trump had to reach insane levels of absurdity, and bypass the mind-numbing aspects of the last word vomit he uttered with passion.

“Don’t shake his hand, he’s been coughing into it the entire night!”

As we said, Biden didn’t leave a stone unturned in highlighting (in neon) the many many drawbacks of Trump’s, well, existence — like his blatant admiration for the Russian president Vladimir Putin. But Biden assured that he would never bow down to Putin, and even called out his invasion of Ukraine. Obviously, Trump had to say something.

“He didn’t stand up to Putin, he gave Putin Ukraine!”

Ooh, careful there, dear former president. You don’t want to risk your bestie bond with Putin just to sound relevant.

Anyway, listing all his rants — which includes his love for Katie Britt’s creepy monologue —  here would be a never-ending task. Let’s wrap it up with his most rib-cracking post after the speech — I am still wiping tears here.

“Biden’s speech last night is getting “panned” all over the World. Only the Radical Left lunatics are trying to make the best of it. It took him 41 minutes to talk, briefly, about Immigration and the Border, on the topic of which he was very weak. No talk of weaponization against his very calm and nice opponent. Angry as hell, this guy is a PSYCHO!”

Calm? Nice? How about trying to land somewhere near “sanity” first (or at least, find a dictionary, for God’s sake!)? Is he opting for a satirical approach now, mocking himself to look good? Is this what he does now when his “psycho” opponent effectively manages to corner the Republicans and annihilate them? Bad plan, Donald “91 felony count” Trump, very bad plan. But at least, he continues to make us laugh.