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A ‘Paranormal Activity’ retrospective is proving that the film’s most evil figure was in front of us all along

Horror fans are realizing that the demon isn't the true evil in Paranormal Activity.

Paranormal Activity Micah Sloat
Screengrab via YouTube/N.B.

Ask any horror fan what the real terror in horror movies is, and they’ll likely tell you that it’s never the obvious fright. Instead, it’s something that appears to truly spook you that you aren’t quite expecting, and that’s what horror fans are pointing out today about Paranormal Activity. Scary movies often serve as an allegory for something more profound, whether it is our internal struggle turned into a monster, a scathing critique of society (zombie movies anyone), or, in this case — a toxic relationship.

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The first Paranormal Activity film focuses on a young couple, Katie and Micah, after they move into their new house in San Diego. Katie has been haunted by something since she was a child, and it appears to have followed her, causing her husband Micah to set up cameras around the house to see if they can capture any footage. The hauntings start fairly mild, with doors randomly opening and lights flickering, you know — standard haunting fare. Over time, however, they turn more sinister.

Despite his girlfriends’ pleas not to anger the entity based on the advice given to her by an expert, Micah does just that, believing that his macho abilities will be enough to keep the demon at bay. You know, muscles are always handy against an invisible unknown and possibly demonic spirit. Time and time again, Micah refuses to listen to Katie and even berates her for her words of warning. Well, he should have heeded them because, by the end of the film, Micah winds up dead.

Horror fans on Reddit don’t believe that the only evil at play here was the demonic presence attached to Katie. One thread ripped into the character of Micah, calling him out for his toxic behavior that ultimately made everything so much worse. Many horror fans in the thread are fully on board with the idea that Micah is just no good.

For many, watching Katie try to plead with her gaslighting boyfriend was the absolute horror of the film.

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Many feel that if he had actually supported her, they might have kept the demon at bay.

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Perhaps Paranormal Activity should be watched in psychology studies as a prime example of a toxic relationship.

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This user feels that Micah deserves the hate he gets, but at the same time, is tired of the gaslighting husband trope found so often in horror/psychological dramas.

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An excellent point is that to inspire so much hate, the actor, whose real name is Micah Sloat, did a phenomenal job.

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By the film’s end, some viewers were actually rooting for the demon. You know you’re a terrible boyfriend when the audience wants you dead.

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With all that being said, Micah had to be a total jerk for the film to work. Had Katie actually been with a kind, supportive partner, the demon would have had less negative energy to feed on, and they could have lived out their lives with only the mild nuisance of the occasional creaky door. In horror, what fun is that?