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‘A real Disney princess’: Precious pupper abandons all killer instincts when they encounter adorable baby bird

Snoopy and Woodstock caught in 4K and my heart can't take it.

TikTok viral dog video with bird on mouth
All images via TikTok

An adorable dog has rightfully gone viral on TikTok, after finding a Disney-like animal companion in the form of a tiny bird. 

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TikTok is no stranger to dog videos (my own FYP is overrun by furry friends), but this one takes the cake. It was uploaded by user @lee115033, and shows what appears to be a blonde labrador lying on its back on the ground with its paws up. 

That alone might be enough to send the cute factor into the stratosphere, but add in the fact that a small bird is perched on the dog’s mouth and you’ve got all the makings of a DogTok winner. Extra kudos are in order for the dog’s seeming nonchalance when being sat on by the bird, and its calmness in not moving a muscle or causing the bird any distress. 

So adorable is the video that it doesn’t even need a caption, and spans all of six precious seconds. Naturally, given our collective need for cuteness amid all the world’s insanity, the video has promptly taken off, amassing just shy of 550,000 likes and some 6.2 million views. 

Users flocked to the comments section to gush at the cuteness overload, with one officially declaring that “there‘s nothing cuter to be had on here than this.” Others commended the dog for its “level of unbothered” while the bird sat on its mouth, and compared the duo to a real-life version of the fictional cartoon characters Snoopy and Woodstock. 

Since we simply can’t have nice things, some users questioned what would happen if yawned or if the “bird pooped”, but let’s just ignore that image for now and revel in six seconds of pure bliss, shall we?