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‘All these side quests for WHAT?’: Guy goes on the wildest first date of his life with man who seems intent on trying to scare him away

No one could've predicted where this was going.

Screenshots from @thattwinkgavin's TikTok video.
Screengrabs via @thattwinkgavin/TikTok

There are good dates, there are bad dates, and then there are those types of dates we can’t so easily categorize. Maybe you even have a good time on them, but they’re so bizarre that they leave you wondering what just happened.

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Have you ever been on this kind of first date? No? Well, TikTok user @thattwinkgavin has, and on June 19, he shared his experience on the social media platform. At first, there was nothing obviously wrong with the guy Gavin agreed to meet at a sushi restaurant. Sure, he was late, and as soon as he arrived, he decided to drive back home to get his ID because he wanted a drink, but that’s not something to get hung up on. A random side quest doesn’t usually hurt — it can even be fun! There is, however, a limited number of quests you can go on before things start to get suspicious.

Somehow, things just kept on happening to Gavin on this date. From being left alone in the stranger’s car to avoid neighborhood security, and the sushi restaurant closing, to multiple people interrupting to give you more side quests, this story has it all. And as if the signs from the universe weren’t enough, Gavin’s date seemed hellbent on ruining the night. The man was punching arcade machines, doing doughnuts with his car to scare his partner, and asking intrusive questions such as, but not limited to, “Are you really HIV negative?”

Even after all this, Gavin persisted, willing to give this man a shot. It probably wasn’t the smartest choice to make, considering how needy the other became after the date, but at least it ended well. And by “well” I mean that the man texted Gavin out of the blue one day just to inform him that he’d never see him again. No explanation, no nothing. Perhaps it was for the best, though.

As most crazy dating stories do, this one went viral on TikTok. There’s just something about the way it takes you on such a wild journey, only to unceremoniously drop you off at home with nothing to show for it. This sentiment is shared by most folks who have come across Gavin’s video, and made it a point to express their frustrations in the comment section. “I was so invested in this story and then… nothing.” “All these side quests for WHAT?” Meanwhile, others opted to share their fear toward the situation: “Was genuinely scared the entire way [through] this.” “The amount of times this could’ve turned into an episode of forensic files [is] astonishing.”

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 47% of adults in the country are single, and we can easily understand why when we look at stories like Gavin’s. Who would want to commit to someone after such a bizarre first date? Granted, not everything that happened was the other man’s fault (as far as we know), but the vibes were definitely off. Let’s just hope he finds a way to leave early if something similar ever happens. It’ll save him a lot of wasted time.