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‘Can’t even lie about having a boyfriend’: Woman tries everything to get world’s most persistent creep to stop following her home

This dude crosses the line, going from creepy to downright scary.

Lilsylew on TikTok
Images via TikTok/@lilsylew

It’s shocking that in this day and age, some people still haven’t learned that no means no. While the issue has seen more attention thanks to us living in a slightly more progressive society nowadays, it’s clear that we’ve still got a long way to go.

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Unfortunately, the world is still full of creeps. In fact, one individual had a terrifying experience with one when she was followed by a persistent weirdo who seemed incapable of grasping the concept of the word “no.” @lilsylew (or Lils) shared footage of her encounter with TikTok, and it’s a pretty frustrating and kind of scary watch. It’s a minute and a half of this guy following her on his bike while she repeatedly tells him that she isn’t interested. Despite this, the guy just doesn’t give up, to the point that he actually becomes quite intimidating.


Cant even lie about having a boyfriend because men just dont care 😂💔

♬ original sound – Lils ♡

Who does this guy think he is?

It makes you wonder who raised this guy? How did he ever grow up thinking this kind of behavior was okay? It goes on for so long as well, and we don’t know how long he was harassing her before she pulled out her phone. Honestly, it only makes your blood boil the longer you watch. Seriously, what was he expecting to happen after the first “no?” Clearly this guy is a creep of the highest order and he has absolutely no shame, so it’s disturbing to think there are people like him out there.

Lils also has to be commended for her bravery and standing her ground against this weirdo, seeing as other than telling him no, she also tries telling him she has a boyfriend in the hopes that will get him to give up, and yet still he persists. He seems completely unhinged, and for all Lils knew, he could have literally done anything. He even makes a pretty clear threat against her life at the end of the video.

Another point for the bear

Down in the comments people expressed their shock at the man’s appalling behavior; Lils’ video shows the reality that many women still have to face. One woman commented: “It’s really scary being a woman in this day and age,” while another wrote, “I choose bear,” referring to the whole man vs. bear TikTok debate that was going on a couple of months back. To be fair, it’s easy to see why people would choose the bear after seeing something like this.

Some less helpful comments asked why she was still talking to him, but that’s an easy thing to ask someone when you’re not in their situation. It’s hard to imagine someone like that accepting being ignored more than they would accept the word no.

Regardless, the tense encounter did come to an end eventually but it really should have never gotten that far in the first place. We can only hope that man is kept as far away from women as possible.