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‘He matched your freak, girl’: Girlfriend pranks boyfriend by finding the grossest way possible to eat her ice cream, but he just goes with it

I scream, you scream, we all scream... because she's eating her ice cream weird.

TikTok screenshots via @maeveplusryan
Screenshots via TikTok

It’s always a meaningful moment in any relationship when you realize your partner is actually as unhinged as you are, and you’ve both just been pretending to be normal people up until now. There are various ways of revealing your true, demented self to your significant other — and one TikTok user found a brand new one when she elected to eat an ice cream like a crazy person in front of her boyfriend.

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Maeve put her partner, Ryan, to the ultimate test when she decided to prank him during what was otherwise a nice cozy and wholesome moment between the couple, as Ryan snacked on an ice cream cone while they were in the car together. In the hilarious video, Maeve guilts Ryan into letting her have some of his ice cream, at which point she casually grabs a fistful of it with her hand — leaving her bug-eyed boyfriend speechless.

Ryan’s initially freaked out, as any sane person would be, but he manages to submerge his sheer terror under caring boyfriend behavior. “I hope you washed your hands today,” he says, before gallantly giving Maeve the entire cone to herself — although maybe it’s mostly because he’s suddenly lost his appetite.

While Maeve is messily tucking into her snack, Ryan politely but decisively attempts to leave the car. “I think I’m just gonna go inside now,” he says, like someone might if they’d just realized they’re dating a serial killer. “Do you always eat your ice cream like that?” Ryan questions, clearly wondering what he’s got himself into here. And then, something inside him apparently snaps as Ryan decides to get in on the game, grabbing a handful of ice cream himself — much to Maeve’s shock.

It’s an unconventional way to prove you’ve found your soulmate, but TikTok is convinced that this ice cream exchange is unequivocal evidence that Ryan is a keeper. “We need the green flag guy,” someone wrote in the comments, while many other agreed that Maeve and Ryan are just as weird as each other: “He matched your freak girl.” Others are in awe of how he managed to contain his outrage and adapt to his girlfriend’s apparent insanity: “he’s so calmly concerned.”

Maybe it doesn’t have to be done quite like this, but there is evidence to suggest that sharing food makes a relationship stronger. A study from the U.K.’s University of Lincoln polled 7000 people and found 46,000 data points to indicate that married couples who shared food were altogether happier than those who don’t. It seems the couple who eats ice cream with their hands together stays together.