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‘Hulk smash mirror’: Road rage incident turns into ‘GTA VI’ when furious driver charges up a mirror attack

Just another day in the life of traffic-bound Avengers.

'Hulk smash mirror': Road rage incident turns into 'GTA VI' when furious driver charges up a mirror attack
Image via Reddit

We’ve all had those moments where we wanted to Hulk out. Traffic jams, long lines, slow Wi-Fi — modern life is a minefield of frustration. But most of us have the self-control to keep our inner Bruce Banner in check.

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Then there are the others, who not only let the beast out but do so in a fashion so spectacular that it ends up circling the Reddit universe. A road rage video is now popping up in all sorts of subs, including the infamous r/shitposting. If you’re not familiar, r/shitposting is basically the Wild West of memes, where anything goes, and the more absurd, the better. So, you know this video must something if it’s gaining traction there.

But let’s break down what actually happened in this viral video. It all starts with a woman leaning out of her white SUV and engaging in a verbal joust with a man. She then proceeds to launch a bottle at him with the force of a thousand angry exes. Miraculously, the man manages to dodge the bottle by a hair’s breadth. But the real showstopper comes next. The man transforms into the Hulk himself and performs a gravity-defying leap worthy of an Olympic gold medal. With one mighty blow, he smashes her SUV’s rearview mirror into oblivion. 

He then retreats to his black Corvette with the swagger of a GTA character who’s just completed a mission, while the woman comes out of her vehicle to shout into the void he leaves behind — an epitaph to civility that had long since been thrown out alongside the bottle.

What could have possibly led to this ridiculous display of chaos? Well, your guess is as good as mine. The video doesn’t provide much context, but we can see the two individuals quarreling at the beginning. Maybe one of them cut the other off in traffic, or the man was driving too slowly in the fast lane, or perhaps they were arguing over who had the better car. Or, plot twist, they’re ex-lovers with some unresolved beef. Who knows? 

Naturally, the internet had a field day with this one! The comments section was filled with people cracking jokes and making all sorts of pop culture references. One user quipped, “Come on man, I haven’t finished Cobra Kai yet. Can we please stop posting these spoilers?” I mean, fair point. The guy’s mirror-smashing move does kind of resemble something out of a Karate Kid spinoff.

byu/Only-Reels from discussion

Another user chimed in with, “Dude walked back to his car like a GTA character.” Other users wondered how smoothly he got back in the car without showing any pain. They are not wrong. Most of us don’t have the athletic prowess to pull off a smashing leap like that. We’d probably end up face-planting on the asphalt, adding insult to injury.

byu/Only-Reels from discussion

It’s tempting to dismiss this as just another day on the road, but there’s a lesson here, somewhere between the shattered glass and the flying accusations. Perhaps it’s about the importance of keeping one’s cool, or the undeniable fact that cars and tempers should both come equipped with airbags. According to the statistics by The Zebra, since 2013, road rage has led to about 300 deaths across the United States. And over the course of 7 years, road rage has been the cause of about 218 murders and 12,610 injuries in the USA.

You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can control your own. If you ever feel that familiar rush of rage bubbling up behind the wheel, think of the stats, and remember you have got a choice.