One of the most intriguing aspects when it comes to the summer months is sitting out by the pool and enjoying the cool splashes from the water which blows in the wind. But while potentially being splashed by others when you’re poolside is a common occurrence people expect to happen, what’s not expected is somebody constantly harassing you and asking where you live. Then again, when society is chock-full of entitled Karens who believe they are owed something, one can’t exactly be surprised anymore.
This exact scenario was documented and shared over on TikTok, where a young woman was enjoying the community pool in her neighborhood when an older man approached her, asking a variety of personal questions — including if she has a dad and where exactly she lives. In fact, the “Karen” was even demanding to know the exact address of the woman, and when she didn’t disclose the information, he proceeded to slander her with a curse word. But there’s surely a difference between being a Karen and just being outright evasive and uncomfortable.
In the video, the young woman responded as calmly as possible at first, even kindly asking the male Karen to leave her alone and allow her to enjoy her time by the pool in peace. And while the obvious concern on the older man’s part seems to be with making sure a random person wasn’t accessing the community pool, the lengths at which he went to in confronting the young woman were completely unnecessary.
But when Forbes tallied up the extensive data and discovered that the state of California harbors the most Karens in the United States, it hardly comes as a surprise that one male Karen in particular in the San Diego area was caught in his natural habitat of being in somebody else’s business.