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‘I immediately thought of the film ‘Orphan”: Woman’s foster care story is a horror movie come true after she discovers supposed 16-year-old’s dark secret

I would say this story could be a movie but it already is!

Aimeanu on TikTok
Image via TikTok

Sometimes reality can be stranger than fiction, and in this case, a woman on TikTok found herself living out a real-life horror movie when her mother decided to foster a supposed teenager only to find out the young girl wasn’t what she seemed.

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It seems that TikTok is the place to go for the latest drama or romance stories, but now it’s got horror too. Starting the video on an intriguing note, Aime promises that she “has the maddest story to share,” before stating that “it’s the sort of story you only hear about on the news, social media, and in movies.” Okay Aime, you piqued our interest, now you have our attention — where could she possibly be going with this story?

To summarize briefly, Aime’s mother is a foster carer and has been one for over ten years. Although she hasn’t taken in any new kids in a while she decides to bring in a 16-year-old fleeing the war in Congo.

“After hearing her story and also knowing about what’s going on in Congo, of course, my mom said yes.” 

There’s something suspicious about the foster child

However, this young girl’s behavior and mannerisms start to cause concern for Aime and her mother as they start to suspect she isn’t really as young as she claims.

“The only way I can describe it is she looks like one of those people that she could be 16 but she could also be 30 years old.”

Not only did she look like she could be older, but there were also other weird inconsistencies in her story like claiming she didn’t know any English only to speak and understand it perfectly sometimes. 

So is this girl really who she claims to be, or could it be possible that Aime and her mom have allowed an imposter, who may be a fully grown adult, into their house? The whole video is almost nine minutes long, but trust me, it’s worth watching it through to the end.


On another episode of my life is a movie, here’s a crazy lil storytime for ya x #storytime #orphanmovie #fyp #crazy

♬ original sound – Aime 💕

Due to the suspicions about this mysterious girl the home office decided to perform some additional checks and discover the truth so eerily reminiscent of the movie Orphan, that it could be its sequel. It turns out that this young girl is actually a fully grown adult woman — she is not just an adult woman, she is also 56 years old! She was an age mate with Aime’s mother! “A whole grandmother, probably,” but honestly the most amazing part of the story is that this woman was able to trick everyone into believing she was 40 years younger than she actually was.

Those in the comments were absolutely flabbergasted by Aime’s wild story, with many making the connection to Orphan while others requested that this mysterious girl should share her skincare routine immediately.

“Omg this is literally the orphan movie that’s insane.”

“I can’t even return my jaw back to its original place omg ???”

“Ok but ask her to drop the skincare routine.”

Despite everything, Aime takes the opportunity to comment on the immigration policy in the U.K., stating that “if the UK made it easier for Africans to just come here and work then they wouldn’t have to resort to doing all of these things.” Viewers commended her for using her story to spread a positive message and putting a spotlight on the difficulties many immigrants face in the country. Given that it was certainly a scary situation for her, Aime’s compassion is admirable.