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‘I know a manic episode when I see one’: Wife comes home to find her impulsive handyman husband has taken their house apart

There's impulsive, and then there's this guy.

Impulsive husband TikTok
Image via @tapestryofmotherhood/TikTok

Marital issues can stem from a lot of sources. Money stress, career woes, family drama β€” all these and plenty more can cause a rift in even the strongest of partnerships, but it’s a lack of communication that often harkens in these deeper issues.

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There’s a lack of communication, and then there’s whatever came over TikToker @tapestryofmotherhood’s husband, who β€” on a whim β€” decided to tear the couple’s home apart. The worst part? He didn’t even communicate his intent to his wife, who was then left completely gobsmacked when she arrived home to a construction site.

In a video posted to the account our poor protagonist, Robin, shares with her husband Michael, you can see the horror settle over the unexpecting wife when she arrives home to a wholly unwelcome sight. Noting that she’ll need “3-5 business days to recover” from her “impulsive” husband’s actions, the video shows as Robin makes her way into a space that’s clearly mid-construction. Exposed pipes, torn up floorboards, and a massive plastic sheet greet her as she enters the room, just moments before her husband steps out to greet her as well.

Impossibly cheery and grinning past the clear distress of his wife, Michael enters the scene with unmatched manic energy. Clearly outlining that he “just knew it was going to be horrible,” but unfortunately he “already had done it,” so there was no turning back, Michael displays not a single ounce of remorse, even as his wife examines the room with blatant horror.

At least Michael can admit that “I was in way over my head,” but that really doesn’t fix Robin’s decimated kitchen, now does it? The space is completely empty, with all cabinets, appliances, and decor removed, leaving nothing but a messed-up floorboard, pipes, and some electrical outlets to prove there was once a complete room there.

Michael claims that his wife “can’t get mad,” because he apparently told her he was going to do it, but why on EARTH would this man think no further communication was necessary? The impulsivity is truly jarring, and it doesn’t stop there. Michael reveals to Robin that it’s not just the kitchen he’s destroyed, but also the den.

The only solace is Michael’s repeated assertions that “they’re coming tomorrow,” at least providing hope that a professional can step in to right his wrongs. Up until the mysterious “they” arrive, unfortunately, Robin’s home is an absolute wreck, and it’s all her hubby’s fault.

That’s a divorce-worthy misstep, right there, but it seems Robin loves her man enough to stick it out. That’s despite the urging of plenty of commenters, who couldn’t help but point out that “that’s a $25,000 impulse.” Past the outrage over his lack of foresight, however, people found themselves enchanted by Michael’s supreme levels of unbothered, earning him the official label of “ADHD golden retriever husband.”

It may seem more than dramatic enough to warrant a split, but as it turns out, impulsive decisions like Michael’s aren’t actually a major culprit behind divorce. The biggest factor listed in most marriages ending is a lack of family support, followed by extramarital affairs, a lack of compatibility, and a lack of intimacy.

None of these issues relate to the destruction of the family home, but perhaps “destructive impulsivity” will land on the list eventually. It certainly would if I was in Robin’s shoes, but thankfully she’s a more patient woman than I. She stuck it out with her madcap golden retriever hubby, and β€” while it took far more than a few days β€” Robin did eventually update her followers. Despite her man’s best efforts, the kitchen actually looks stunning, so it seems the demo may have been worth it in the long run.