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‘It’s not about questioning your manhood’: Woman bizarrely pressures driver to move so she can go the wrong way

TikTok user @willzilla uploaded a clip of that fateful day on August 10.

Screengrab via TikTok

A social media user recently showcased the lengths a woman and a driver went to avoid moving their vehicle after attempting to exit a restaurant parking lot in the wrong direction. Although it is still being determined when and where the incident occurred, TikTok user @willzilla uploaded a clip of that fateful day on August 10.

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In the video, @willzilla, who was following the driving guidelines by entering the parking lot correctly, is seen explaining the situation, and revealing that the driver threatened to call the cops on him because he wouldn’t back up.


“So these ladies were backing out and then stopped and blocked my exit. They wanted me to back out where I came from so they can exit the wrong direction. Then they said they were calling the cops because I wouldn’t move.”

As the video continued, @willzilla expressed his frustration by informing the individuals that they were “going the wrong way” and asking when the police were scheduled to arrive on the scene.

“You’re going the wrong way… You guys are in the wrong. You’re going the wrong way. When’s the police going to get here?”

Further into the clip, an unidentified woman – the driver’s cousin – approached car to plead her case when he suggested that a police officer would condemn the driver for going the wrong way.

“I know but she was being really nice. I have no gas in my car. We went to go get gas for my car. She’s not from here.”

When @willzilla asked the woman why the driver wouldn’t move their car, she claimed they didn’t know they were going in the wrong direction and expected him to move. The unidentified woman added that the reasoning behind their thought process was that they expected the TikToker would be a gentleman regarding the situation.

“She didn’t know and then you came and stayed right here… We’re used to gentlemen. Like I don’t know if you know Armenians, but we’re used to gentlemen. It’s like very simple backing up. It’s not questioning your manhood or anything like that.”

But the woman was left stunned when @willzilla didn’t back down, and kept bringing up that the driver was at fault for going the wrong way.

“I agree, I’m not doing anything wrong. She’s the one going the wrong way. She shouldn’t be coming the wrong way to begin with.”

The unidentified woman tried smoothing it over by brushing off OP’s feelings about the event by simply saying “these things happen.”

Toward the end of the video, when @willzilla tried making his point once again that he shouldn’t be moving and referred to the driver as her friend instead of cousin, she snapped back. She threatened to call the restaurant owner to resolve the issue. The pair continued to bicker back for a little while until the TikToker ultimately drove off, leaving the unnamed woman in the parking lot.

To date, the video has generated over 86,000 views and more than 3,000 likes. Although this situation didn’t end poorly, violent road rage has increased over the years. According to Everytown Research and Policy, the average number of road rage shooting deaths within the United States doubled in 2022, with 141 reported incidents compared to 76 in 2018. 

The site also claimed that there was also an increase in gun injuries. Despite not having a known cause behind the rise, Everytown Research and Policy claims it could be due to certain states, mainly the south mostly where this is occurring, having “weaker gun laws.”