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‘Might as well just fire me’: Truck driver knows his days on the job are numbered after he somehow tears vehicle apart

It was at this moment he knew, he messed up.

Image via TikTok / @romefit379 / LegART / Getty Images

Let’s be entirely honest with ourselves for a moment — no job is perfect. There’s no such thing as a cruisy gig where everything is smooth sailing, we all have our bad days when things go completely wrong. It’s an unavoidable part of life – you could just about lump it in with death and taxes.

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An important and healthy way to navigate this certainty is by having a healthy amount of self-awareness and owning when you’ve screwed the pooch, as this truck driver on TikTok demonstrates. The clip shows the driver examining the aftermath of a not-so-minor traffic incident he’s caught himself up in, resulting in the entire side of his truck getting obliterated.

Narrating the clip in the moment, the driver nonchalantly uses colorful language to muse about how clueless he is about how he’s managed to land himself in this situation, before concluding, “Yeah – this might be my last motherf***ing day.”


What makes an otherwise unfortunate situation ever-so-slightly amusing, is the complete lack of context around how the driver ended up with two-thirds of a truck in the first place. Sideswiping a telephone pole, or an errant and sturdy tree? An act of God? ‘Gators? In any case, the one thing that remains certain is that this may indeed be the driver’s last day on the job.

Perhaps the silver lining here is that the driver managed to walk away from the incident relatively unscathed, as many of his peers haven’t been so lucky. Between 2018 and 2021, there was a yearly ballpark average of around 5360 fatalities as a result of trucking accidents in the U.S., according to statistics provided by law firm Penn Kewster & McEwen.

Whatever the story may be, let’s hope this trucker’s boss saw all sides of the story and treated his employee with a little bit of empathy, unlike many of the Karens and Terrys we’ve seen getting called out by their reports. As of writing, the driver hasn’t shared an update on his employment status. At the very least, he didn’t pull a hit and run.