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‘Mother’s intuition is the scariest thing alive’: Teen prevented from sneaking out at night by psychic mom who had a vision of her death

This is why you should always listen to your mother.

TikTok screenshots via @aspynn.raee
Screenshots via TikTok

A mother knows… but sometimes what she knows defies logic and science. Such is the case with one TikToker’s mom who discouraged her from sneaking out one night by revealing that she had received a psychic premonition of her daughter’s imminent demise.

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TikTok user aspynn.raee kept her story short and sweet, giving us enough of the facts to blow our minds but tantalizing refusing to share any further details in a follow-up to date. The TikToker shared that, when she was 15 (according to a detail revealed in the comments), she was getting ready to sneak out the house one night when she heard her mother moving about.

Desperately trying not to get caught, she threw herself back in bed and pretended to be asleep. When her mother entered the room, she shook her daughter awake and admitted how relieved she was to see she was safe. “I’m glad you’re okay, I love you,” her mom said. “I just had a dream you snuck out and someone killed you.”

The eerie recollection has gone viral and has become a beacon for folks to share their own stories about the times their mothers saved their life, at least some of which we can assume are real. Some are downright chilling, with moms urging their kids not to go on a field trip that ended in a bus crash or keeping their child home from school on a day there turned out to be a shooting. It seems the moms out there are living the plot of a Final Destination movie left, right, and center.

But pity those whose moms have made wild predictions that have yet to come true, so their children live in fear every day. “My mom had a dream that I got kidnapped by leprechauns,” one comment admitted. “I’m scared daily.”

Others, of course, are convinced aspynn.raee’s mom knew exactly what she was doing: that she had caught daughter sneaking out and so concocted this story to make sure she stayed in bed. Honestly, if that is true, we’re not even mad because that’s some peak, on-the-fly parenting.

That said, the idea of mother’s intuition does have some scientific basis behind it. Expert Dr. Sarah Blaffer Hrdy argues that a mother is primed to have incisive gut instincts — scientifically referred to as “somatic markers” — concerning their children due to chemical changes that occur during pregnancy. “The rise and fall of gestational hormones over the course of her pregnancy, along with the surge of oxytocin during labor and birth, prime mothers for responsiveness,” writes Dr. Hardy.

No scientist — outside of maybe Bill Murray’s character in Ghostbusters — would likely believe in aspynn.raee’s mother’s psychic episode, though. Still, I’d say better listen to your mom’s death premonitions, just to be on the safe side. Oh, and look out for those attacking leprechauns.