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‘Never let them know your next move’: Guy fakes girl out multiple times until he doesn’t

Thank goodness this prank didn't backfire.

Screengrabs via TikTok

Planning a surprise can be quite a challenge. One of the main goals is to ensure that the person on the receiving end remains unaware of what’s happening. There are various ways to achieve this, such as sneaking out, telling lies, or taking a page from Logan Paul‘s book – buying expensive jewelry to divert someone’s attention. However, a viral TikTok video showed off a different approach to mislead someone, which surprisingly didn’t backfire.

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Sophie Kendall shared with her audience how her boyfriend would often play pranks about a life-changing event. She knew he was pulling her leg the whole time, until the day he wasn’t. Fortunately, her partner didn’t suffer the fate of “the boy who cried wolf” and the whole ordeal ended up being quite emotional once his actions were sincere.

Fans congratulated Kendall on to the good news. However, viewers pointed out that the initial location presented a missed romantic opportunity, especially when contrasted with the eventual setting – an empty parking lot. Nevertheless, both she and her partner are happy, and that’s what truly matters.

This video opened a can of worms regarding fake proposals since not everyone is on board with the idea, especially when the joke is done in a somewhat public or special spot. What sets this particular event apart from the numerous horror stories often seen on Reddit is perhaps that she could sense that he was just messing around. The girl didn’t have to get ready for something special, nor was she pampered. At the same time, the boy acted very casually so it made sense why she could tell it’s not real.

Pranks are like a double-edged sword. If a joke is blatantly obvious, no harm should come from it. But if you plan to do this to surprise your significant other or to make them look the other way, just be wary of any unintended consequences.