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‘She knows she’s married to the opp’: Husband attempts to sabotage wife’s marathon by making her look like a bad mom

God forbid a mother takes some time to herself to win a marathon.

A split image of the viral marathon mom and TikTok user Frankieaab
Image via TikTok/Sinomar_Reporter/Frankieaab

To sabotage your spouse in private is pretty dastardly. But to be so open and public with it is next level. Just two months ago, we sat through Reesa Teesa’s “Who TF Did I Marry?” marathon. Now, you’ve got another man playing the saboteur.

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Cue the viral TikTok of a mother on the brink of winning a marathon, when her husband encourages her kids to run onto the open track to “congratulate” her. Naturally, it’s got the internet heated, because what would possess you to ruin a very important moment in your wife’s life? Besides, couldn’t you just shimmy over a little so your kids can congratulate their mom AFTER she crosses the finish line?

TikTok user @frankieaab breaks it down in her stitch of @Sinomar_Reporter’s viral video. “Everybody knows that friend that doesn’t mind being your friend as long as you’re not winning more than them,” she begins. “Some of y’all are married to those people.” It’s a perfect summary of the video, because there is absolutely no reason you should use your children as a weapon to hinder your partner’s success.

The subtle details that shouldn’t be overlooked

Mothers are superheroes. That’s a fact. But those who decide to have children should not be limited in their identity. They’re more than just mothers, which is why hobbies, dreams, and aspirations exist. This woman has obviously put in so much work into training for the marathon. All the hours, sweat, tears, and perseverance was about to be thrown out the window. What hurts the most is that Mr. Saboteur pulled this stunt right at the finish line. Thankfully, the mother kept running, emerging victorious.

Frankieaab isn’t alone with these sentiments. Most of the comments wholeheartedly agree that this was a very shady move. User @enriquepompon commented, “Bring the #1 distraction right BEFORE the finish line. Calculating!” @Gobiday hilariously wrote, “I would have kept on running straight to the divorce lawyer’s office.” 

All jokes aside though, that was a totally uncool move on the dad’s part. Not to mention the potential physical danger those kids could have caused. Running onto a marathon track is highly frowned upon, because someone could get seriously hurt. Moreover, there are vehicles in motion as well, and kids are notoriously oblivious to their surroundings. 

It’s wonderful that nobody got hurt, and the mother was able to cross the finish line without any hitches. Another great moment to witness was that she took a few seconds to celebrate her win. We’ll never know if this was simply a major error on dad’s part, or a deliberate sabotage attempt. Either way, the optics are terrible, and he definitely owes her an apology.