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Stephen King pays tribute with a hint of jealousy to the king of dad jeans

We're also a little bit jealous, to be honest.

stephen king it chapter 2
Image via Warner Bros.

Stephen King has spoken. In a tweet on Tuesday evening, the renowned horror author bestowed upon Bryan Cranston the title of King of the Dad Jeans… and fans are loving it.

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It seems King has taken some time out of his busy writing schedule to scroll through images of celebrities wearing dad jeans and he’s come to one inescapable conclusion: Bryan Cranston sure can rock a pair of dad jeans better than anyone else.

The father of three made the tweet seemingly out of the blue. Perhaps it’s something that’s been on his mind for a while and he just had to make it known to the world. There’s a hint of jealousy in King’s tweet, after all, it’s probably hard to face the reality that you’ve been out-jeaned by another dad.

A quick google search for “Bryan Cranston dad jeans” will confirm the author’s assessment of the man’s style (we checked ourselves and can confirm). Although the Breaking Bad actor is yet to respond to King shooting his shot, we’ll be waiting with bated breath for any further developments.

The tweet has been liked by over 10,000 people and received a lot of responses from others sharing their own opinions. Many responded to King’s tweet agreeing with him, whilst some put forward their own candidates for the best dad jean wearing celebrities. One user suggested Harrison Ford whilst another suggested George Lucas. It definitely seems like there’s some stiff competition for that denim crown.

There have been some hilarious responses to the tweet and light-hearted bickering amongst fans. However, most agreed with King’s bold statement (although George Lucas has to be a close second), but now the whole conversation has left us with one burning question: who rocks mom jeans the best?