For those of us who travel quite frequently, we know eager flyers will do just about anything to ensure a safe and stress-free journey. However, angering a papa bear figure during the middle of the night at an airport is definitely on the list of what not to do.
Now, it’s safe to say that traveling isn’t always easy or completely zen, but starting an altercation at the airport doesn’t exactly make the situation any less stressful — which was showcased perfectly in a TikTok video from user @dianalynnutley. In the 34-second video, a man becomes irate at another man for allegedly yelling at a group of teenage girls as they all gather around the terminal’s baggage claim in a New York airport.
“Talk to me the way you were talking to them,” the man shouts as he continues his rant, “See what happens.” On the other end, the man who was apparently yelling at the teenagers remains relatively silent during the exchange, except for a brief complaint of being tired, to which the teenagers’ defender — who was later revealed in a separate video as the father/uncle of the girls — brushed it off as nothing but an excuse.
Involving yourself in a war of words at midnight might seem unnecessary to some, but obviously somebody needed to step in to protect these teenage girls from a literal man shouting at them. With 2,900,000 passengers flying in and out of U.S. airports every single day, allowing a singular flyer to ruin your experience should not be tolerated.
Maybe next time this grown-up passenger should seek out a separate form of transport if he allows teenage girls to get under his skin and ruin his traveling experience.