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‘The walk of shame it had to do back up the hill’: Cow embraces new career as stunt man when it takes impressive tumble down mountainside

You've seen “The Fall Guy,” but here's The Fall Cow...

TikTok screenshots via Scott Hedley/Otis from Back at the Barnyard
Screenshots via TikTok/Nickelodeon

You might be having a bad day, but are you the cow that took one wrong trot at the top of a hill and ended up tumbling tail over snout down the side of a never-ending mountainside? No, I didn’t think so, so buck up and count yourself lucky.

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In what is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face, except that of the accident-prone bovine in question, a viral TikTok captures the moment of perfect physical comedy when an unsuspecting cow slips and goes rolling, rolling, rolling down a hill. Kudos to TikToker Scott for his inspired decision to use “Milkshake” by Kelsis as the sound.

And, yes, I know what you’re asking yourself; the cow did indeed survive, as the TikToker who witnessed the hysterical event thankfully confirmed. So go ahead and laugh guilt-free.

The comments are a goldmine of mirth too, with everyone sympathizing with the poor cow — especially when he no doubt had to make the long climb back up the hill and face all the mockery from his friends. “Nah I would never show my face in that paddock again,” someone wrote. Another is wondering what the other cows thought while that one was a-tumbling: “The other cows watching like ‘BESSIE NO.'”

Honestly, though, guys, how can we be sure this is not a scene from Loki season 3, introducing Alligator Loki‘s cousin, Cow Loki? “IVE BEEN FALLING, FOR 30 MINUTES!” one comment quipped, quoting Loki’s iconic line from Thor: Ragnarok. Someone else, meanwhile, was left oddly existential by this video. Think about it, this guy only happened to be around at this exact instant to witness Bessie’s fall. Logically, then, this sort of thing must happen all the time, we just aren’t around to witness it: “The crazy part is, how many cows tumble down hills that we don’t document or even know about?”

But seriously, this cow has impressive skills if it tumbled down that hillside freestyle and managed to live to tell moo the tale. Clearly, he should take a trip to Hollywood and start a career as a stunt performer… you know, as a double for the many cow movie stars out there. Like Beefer Sutherland and Bo’Vine Joy Randolph. Just think, that animal woke up this morning as just a regular cud-chewing cow, and now he’s the Tom Cruise of his species. Life’s funny like that.