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‘This is diabolical parenting’: Father aims for ‘great Dad’ trophy by exploiting son’s sadness, but it’s ‘not the flex’ he thinks it is

To all narcissistic parents out there: Do better. Be better. Your kids deserve it.

Narcisstic father
Photo via Getty Images

Narcissistic parents are the worst, period. They’re the kind of people who think the world revolves around them and their kids are just accessories to make them look good. It’s sickening, really.

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Take the case of a certain wealthy dad on X. Nick Huber is some hotshot entrepreneur with more money than sense (channeling his inner Elon Musk, perhaps?), and he thought it would be a great idea to share a “teachable moment” with his son on X. Basically, the poor kid saved up his hard-earned cash for a whole week just to buy a $5 ice cream, and what happens? He drops it after a few licks. Instead of being a decent human being and comforting his son or maybe even buying him a new one, Nick decides to snap a pic of the kid’s heartbroken face and post it online for the whole world to see.

This is what one user called “diabolical parenting” at its finest.

In reaction, X users did not hold back. Some predicted future scenarios where the roles might be reversed, suggesting that one day, the son might remember these lessons all too well.

When more Twitter users called out Nick for his insensitive behavior, he doubled down, claiming that he had even turned down a free ice cream the shopkeeper offered to his son. Because apparently, accepting kindness from others is a sign of weakness in Nick’s world. Of course, Twitter’s Community Notes feature later debunked this claim, suggesting that Nick had made the whole thing up for engagement.

The irony of the situation was not lost on Twitter users, with one astutely observing that Huber was likely profiting from the tweet featuring his son’s misery.

It’s a valid point, considering that influencers can earn significant sums from sponsored posts and partnerships. Perhaps the most poignant response came from a user who shared their own parenting philosophy: 

Indeed, parenting is all about guiding your children through life’s challenges with love and understanding. Nick missed a prime opportunity to teach what it means to be empathetic. Instead, he chose a path that left his kid out in the cold.

Moreover, the fact that Nick chose to photograph his son’s heartbroken face and share it online is a gross violation of the child’s privacy and emotional well-being. It’s one thing to share a cute or funny moment with your social media followers, but using your child’s pain and disappointment as content for likes and engagement is a whole other level of messed up. It’s exploitative, narcissistic, and downright cruel. And let’s not forget the fact that Nick is an influencer with a significant following. He’s not just sharing this story with a few close friends and family members; he’s broadcasting it to thousands, if not millions, of people.

The thing is, this kind of behavior has real consequences. Kids who grow up with narcissistic parents often struggle with self-esteem issues and have a hard time forming healthy relationships later in life. Children are human beings with their own thoughts and feelings and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Yes, they need to learn the lessons in life, but this kid right here will only remember that his father will abandon him when he needs him and that this type of so-called self-serving “tough love” is the way to go in life.