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‘This is the content I am here to see’: Man shaves off mustache at the worst time, and now he needs to reattach it

The hilarious cries of "oh no" will take you out.

Genericartdad's fake mustache
Image via genericartdad / TikTok

If you’ve ever altered your appearance in a way you regretted, you’ll know how troublesome it can be. Did you cut your hair too short before a family portrait? Have you gone overboard with the fake tan before a night out? Or have you ever shaved your mustache off after recording a professional video you needed to redo parts of?

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The latter is precisely what happened to TikTok star genearicartdad, and the TikTok he uploaded about the situation has got people howling with laughter.

While trying to hold back his own giggles, genericartdad explains to his followers that he “f***ed up” after recording a video for a company while he had a mustache, but shaved it off before realizing he needed to redo parts of the video.

What happened after that?

How did he attempt to rectify the situation? Rather hilariously, he cut his hair to fashion a fake mustache and stuck it to his top lip using hair gel.

Unsurprisingly, the method was far from failproof, as demonstrated in the video when pieces started falling off.

The TikTok star’s subsequent cries of “oh no” are the high points of the video, with one user commenting, “The “oh no”s are TAKING ME OUT,” followed by a series of laughing emojis.

Another said, “this is the content I am here to see. the real gritty stuff,” with another laughing emoji.

A third offered side-splitting advice, prompting genericartdad to reply with a laughing emoji of his own. The user said, “just embrace the hilarity and just use dark colored paper and then put a little block of text behind you that says this mustache is 100% a real mustache.”

Despite the pieces falling off, the truth is genericartdad’s fake mustache is impressively convincing, but that doesn’t make the video any less funny, and he ends the clip with an exasperated “I don’t know what to do!” If you need a good laugh today, make a point of watching it in its entirety.