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‘Uncanny valley moment’: LEGO cat creation sends baffled Bengal into the Twilight Zone


Bengal cat LEGO
Image via @mr.cattttttt/TikTok

Cats are strange creatures. The original Webster’s Dictionary definition of the beasties back in 1828 may well put it best, classifying “the domestic cat”as “a deceitful animal, and when enraged, extremely spiteful.”

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It’s strong language, but it’s also not wrong. Cats can be extremely hard to predict, and — as Webster aptly noted — quite spiteful when crossed. Just take a look at a cat highlighted by TikTok account @mr.cattttttt for proof, if you need it, in a video that showcases exactly the energy so many felines bring to the family. 

A strange battle plays out over just under a minute in @mr.cattttttt’s sidesplitting video, in which a baffled Bengal cat is confronted by an unsettling impostor. Clearly unnerved by the LEGO doppelgänger constructed in his living room, the poor, confused cat is frozen for the first half of the video, repeatedly issuing the same exact meow at the LEGO imposter, to no avail.

The clearly well-intending Bengal even sits with one paw extended, almost as if he’s offering up a handshake. When the LEGO fraud fails to answer him, however, all that politeness goes out the window, and the Bengal attempts violence. This doesn’t go well for him, of course, since he lunges at a plastic brick rather than a real cat, which only leaves the poor feline more confused than before. He takes a few more baffled swipes at the plastic skinwalker before finally accepting defeat and toppling to the ground. 

The video is peak feline, and prompted hilarious takeaways from commenters, who asserted that the “LEGO cat Aura was too crazy for him.” People were also tickled to see that the brave Bengal was “defeated by a non-moving lego cat,” but broadly praised him for his initially polite attempts to shake the plastic pretender’s paw.
That initial attempt at politeness isn’t overly common among cats — something quite a few feline familiar viewers pointed out — particularly when it comes to other cats.

Aggression between our furry friends is quite typical among cat-owners, and that combative nature can be spurred by a wide range of things. Sometimes they want attention, sometimes they’re territorial, and sometimes they just get worked up. Whatever the reason, aggression between cats tends to be the norm — whether they’re there in the flesh or made of plastic.