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‘You have literally blown my mind’: Woman wants to know how to dispose of old knives without looking like a murderer, and we’re stumped

It's quite an alarming quandary, when you think about it.

TikTok knives disposal video
Image via TikTok / timewasntinyourfavour

A woman has gone viral on TikTok after asking a question most people didn’t realize they didn’t know the answer to — and it’s left many confused people scratching their heads.

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The lady called Charlotte, whose TikTok username is timewasntinyourfavour, had recently purchased a new set of kitchen knives and soon realized she had no idea what to do with her old ones.

In a 15-second video, she looks bewildered, unsure where to put the used utensils. She asks if she should put them in the amnesty bin, dump them in the local river, wrap them up like a criminal, put them in a carrier bag, or take them to the police station. Fortunately, fellow TikTokers were on hand to reply with some helpful (and not-so-helpful) suggestions.

What did TikTok suggest?

While some users acknowledged that this was a genuine quandary (Rachel Mc said, “you have literally blown my mind because ive never thought what to do with an old knife yet,” and CPDragon replied, “Does this mean I’ve kept every knife I’ve ever owned? because I’ve never thought about this”), others offered their own ideas.

One helpful suggestion was from user ruby, who suggested a “second hand shop?” Another came from user Aimee Purcell, who said, “there should be a bin out the front of the police station, like the green clothes donation ones, especially for knives.” User Seth Redacted wrote, “I wrapped mine up in duct tape and paper towels under the tape, and then thrown out.”

Less helpful (but funnier) suggestions were also provided. User EmmaBowker689 suggested, “Leave in cupboard never to be used again.” User MARLEY said, “Ngl I’ve chucked mine just in bin.” User ezachulation chimed in with, “keep them for when you don’t wanna wash the new ones.”

On a serious note, hopefully, the replies to this TikTok helped anyone looking to dispose of old knives safely — or do you have a better solution to this mystery? It’s amazing how social media can be productive when used correctly (and if you are ready to weed through absolutely hilarious but useless advice).