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YouTuber Dream’s face reveal has resulted in hordes of confused ‘Sandman’ fans

The Minecraft YouTuber got some additional traction thanks to Tom Sturridge.

the sandman neil gaiman seasons
Photo via Netflix

This is perhaps precisely the reason why Neil Gaiman attached the additional aliases of Morpheus, Oneiros, and, of course, Sandman to Tom Sturridge’s latest claim to fame. With Gaiman’s gracious safety net expertly discarded, fans of The Sandman‘s historic Netflix turn woke up wondering why people were freaking out about seeing Sturridge’s face.

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As it turns out, it wasn’t the same Dream. Popular YouTuber and Minecraft extraordinaire Dream (not to be confused with the titular protagonist of The Sandman, or perhaps destined to be confused with him) uploaded a face-reveal video on Oct. 2, marking the first time in the eight years since he launched the channel that he’s shown his real face to his audience of 30.6 million subscribers.

The YouTuber could have done with bumping up this landmark career decision by a couple of months, because another, more primordial man named Dream has been fresh in the minds of the entertainment scene since Aug. 5, causing more than a fair share of confusion on Twitter.

Truthfully, it’s hard to tell who’s making a mockery of the misunderstanding and who remains genuinely confused by it, but the thought of people wondering how others are just discovering Tom Sturridge’s face is nothing short of hilarious.

Others were happy to out themselves as a member of the masses who were in the dark about the YouTuber’s reveal, or even his existence.


And it looks like it’s only a matter of time before Dream’s comments section gets littered with the likes of “#NotMyDream.”


The Sandman is available to stream on Netflix.