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Derrick Rose Doesn’t Feel Like Dancing

Kudos to Derrick Rose. As the reigning NBA MVP and the starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls and the NBA Eastern Conference All Star team, Rose chooses to let his play do the talking.

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Kudos to Derrick Rose. As the reigning NBA MVP and the starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls and the NBA Eastern Conference All Star team, Rose chooses to let his play do the talking. He’s about as passionate on the court as they come, but his passion is all about winning, and not clowning. This is one of the reasons Rose is one of the most popular athletes in the world.

Look at the disdain on Rose’s face as LeBron goes into full shuck and jive mode. Just like he did last year, Rose made no attempt to join the chorus line shenanigans of his fellow All Star starters. Derrick can dance, as evidenced by the video below, he just feels the big stage on All Star night isn’t appropriate.

From Bulls beat reporter K.C. Johnson’s Twitter;

“I can dance. But there’s a time and place for that. And I don’t think that it was then and there.”

Either do we Derrick…  either do we…