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Does NBA star Luka Doncic play ‘Overwatch?’

It turns out basketball is more of a hobby for Luka.

Image via Luka Doncic/Instagram

Luka Doncic has made a name for himself as one of the fastest rising stars in the NBA. The Dallas Mavericks player had a brilliant rookie season, setting multiple records within his team and NBA history as well as being selected for the NBA All Stars at such a young age. Doncic has shown that he’s incredibly talented; he’s definitely brushing shoulders with some of the best players in the game right now. But basketball isn’t his only skill as he has revealed that he enjoys playing video games such as Overwatch as well.

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Although the NBA star usually keeps his likes and interests out of the conversation in interviews, it turns out that he’s always down for a game of Overwatch every now and again. He made an unplanned appearance on Twitch user M0xxy’s stream whilst playing Overwatch 2 yesterday. When asked by the streamer whether he has any hobbies he gave a very humble reply, “yeah I play basketball.”

When pressed further, he revealed the level to which he plays basketball and who he actually was to the surprise of M0xxy and viewers in the chat. M0xxy then verified his identity by asking him a few questions to see if he was the real deal. Which it turns out, he was.

Back in 2018, the NBA star also revealed that he was a big fan of the first Overwatch as well, so it seems like he’s been a long-time player of the games. He used to spend around two to three hours a day playing games, which is no surprise for someone as young as Doncic who likely grew up with them. Whilst he’s still young, it’s likely that he doesn’t have as much time to dedicate to games such as Overwatch anymore, due to his basketball career taking off, but he obviously still sets aside a bit of time to play.

Even the biggest of sports stars still enjoy the simple pleasure of video games, just like the rest of us. As it turns out, he has revealed a few games that he does enjoy, including the Call of Duty franchise and FIFA. He’s also appeared on the cover of NBA 2K22, although he hasn’t said whether or not he’s played the game itself. As for Overwatch, if you’re wondering, he’s revealed that he mains Hanzo, Roadhog and Cassidy.

So now we know the truth, Doncic is a gamer at heart and basketball is just his hobby. So don’t be surprised next time you’re playing a game online, if you find yourself fighting alongside an NBA star.