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Jay Cutler Proved Nothing Against The Lions

All of the sudden the quarterback that has lived with diabetes the majority of his NFL career, the quarterback that was sacked an astonishing 130 times as a Bear (2.7 per game), was finally looked at as being “tough” by a lot of people. Cutler peeled himself of the turf after being squashed by the 300 pound Suh, and now he’s tough?

When Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh violently sacked and slammed Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler to the turf, Chicago fans collectively held their breath. Cutler laid motionless for a few moments before jogging to the sideline. Whew… Thoughts of last year and the season ending injury to the Bears QB were swirling through fans minds. Crisis averted.

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Cutler sat out the mandated one play, then returned to the game, only to be replaced again the following series. Bears fans again feared the worst. Reports started trickling out that he was heading into the locker room to check on a possible rib injury. Bears fans again started getting nervous. Even though the Bears upgraded their backup QB situation with the signing of veteran Jason Campbell, Chicago fans thought about the 5 straight losses after Cutler was hurt in 2011. This season could be lost.

It was only after halftime that Bears finally could breath again as Jay Cutler triumphantly jogged out and was ready to go. Then something strange happened, the actual media and the social media started buzzing. All of the sudden the quarterback that has lived with Diabetes the majority of his NFL career, the quarterback that was sacked an astonishing 130 times as a Bear (2.7 per game), was finally looked at as being “tough”. Cutler peeled himself of the turf after being squashed by the 300 pound Suh, and now he’s tough?

The articles would write themselves. Jay Cutler proves he’s tough & tumble QB, from the Chicago Sun Times. Jay Cutler tough enough, from ESPN Chicago. Don’t question Cutler’s toughness, from the Chicago Tribune. Jay Cutler eliminates any questions about toughness, from CBSSports. Big Hit Lifts Cutler’s Reputation, from the New York Times. Jay Cutler, Chicago Bears prove toughness in victory, from NFL.com.

You have got to be kidding me.

Most of the questions surrounding how tough Cutler is, stem from the 2010 NFC Championship game when he suffered a Grade 2 MCL sprain. He was hurt in the first half of that game against the Packers, tried to play in the second half, then when he was unable to push off or plant his leg, the decision was made to pull him from the contest.

Ignorant Tweets immediately flew from the Twitterverse and the man’s reputation was soured. After the facts about the injury came out, and most players began to rethink their perception of Cutler, questions about his toughness continued to linger.

But not anymore? Not after playing the 2nd half of Monday Night Football with what was called bruised ribs? Now he’s a tough guy? Give me a break…

Allow me to sum up my feelings on this situation with one more sentence.

If up until Monday Night you doubted Cutler’s toughness, but now you’re sold on the fact that he’s tough, you are an idiot.