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Twitter CEO welcomes Instagram’s upcoming competitor platform

Will Meta dominate the social media sphere with its Twitter competitor?

Apps by Meta
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Move over Mastodon because there is another Twitter competitor coming to town. This time, it’s coming from Meta, or Instagram to be more specific, as the image-sharing platform plans to release a text-based app that runs similarly to Twitter. Interestingly, the Blue Bird app caught wind and doesn’t seem to be afraid of a little competition.

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Tech Crunch reported that this upcoming text-based app will be released sometime this summer and users will be able to integrate its use to Instagram. At the moment, only high-profile users have early access to the unnamed project, such as athletes, actors, producers, showrunners, and comedians. It was confirmed that users will be able to keep their verification badge, followers, and Instagram handles on the platform.

ICYMI’s newsletter author, Lia Haberman shared details about Meta’s latest project on social media, where it was revealed that users can write 500-character posts, as well as share images and videos. She also confirmed that blocked accounts and hidden words will carry over to this new platform. Haberman claimed what she got to test out isn’t the final product and that things would change during its initial release.

Meanwhile, former UK Government Digital Communications Advisor Matt Navarra revealed that Meta is currently seeking out influencers to be “early adaptors” for the new platform.

It wasn’t long until Twitter caught wind of what was going on. The platform’s newly-minted CEO, Linda Yaccarino shared her enthusiasm to see more competitors in the space, especially from someone as big as Meta. So far, the only known huge competitors are apps like Mastodon and Bluesky, but those two apps have their issues like Mastodon’s complex usage, and Bluesky still being “invite only.”

Will Meta be able to beat Twitter at its own game? Who knows. So far, people are now criticizing the app for being a “carbon copy” of Twitter. Others are concerned that Meta’s Instagram’s shortcomings might be an issue on this new platform. And these criticisms seem to be valid since Meta isn’t really showcasing any innovation based on the information that has been released thus far.

If you’re interested in trying out Meta’s answer to Twitter, the app is said to be released around the summer of 2023.