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Where is Chris Watts, the man who killed his pregnant wife and smothered his 4 and 3-year-old daughters?

Many hope he's living a life of absolute misery.

Chris Watts
Photo by RJ Sangosti - Pool/Getty Images

In August 2018, oil field operator Chris Watts of Frederick, Colorado, murdered his pregnant wife, Shanann, and their two daughters, Bella (4) and Celeste (3). He killed 34-year-old Shanann by strangling her and both children by smothering them with pillows.

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As per the Daily Mail, in disturbing letters he sent to true crime author Cherylin Cadle, Watts explained how his first attempt to murder his daughters failed as they woke up with bruises on their bodies and were traumatized from what they had endured.

He also said he had been planning the murders for a while, with the plan of making it easier to be with the woman he was having an affair with, his co-worker Nichol Kessinger. Watts later admitted that he dumped his wife and daughters’ bodies in an oil field owned by his then-employer, Anadarko.

After cruelly ending four lives to begin his second one, what happened to the sick killer?

What happened to Chris Watts?

Chris Watts with his wife and children
Image via shanannwatts/Instagram

As per the New York Post, Watts is serving a life sentence in a small cell at Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun, Wisconsin — which should come as excellent news to anyone with a conscience.

The publication spoke to three people who had been in contact with Watts during his time at the jail — fellow inmate Eddie Nieves; Dylan Tallman, who worked on a yet-unpublished devotional book with Watts; and the above-mentioned author, Cherylin Cadle — and it sounds like he’s enduring a well-deserved hellacious time in there.

“A lot of guys would like to get their hands on him. He killed two little girls who didn’t do nothing to deserve it. He’s the lowest of the low at Dodge. A lot of people want to get their revenge for those girls,” shared Nieves.

“He’s an outcast. When people found out that his victims were two little girls, they wanted to kill him. He had nowhere else to turn; I think I was his only friend.”

Tallman shared

It’s believed that Watts has several prison pen-pals, primarily women, but spends most of his time alone, talking to nobody, reading his bible, forced to reflect on his heinous actions and how they can never be reversed. While the legal system found its closure by sentencing him to prison, the real karma and punishment for him is this — spending his forever fearing for his life, feeling just like his wife and daughters felt in their terrifying final moments.