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The 10 Best Comic Book TV Shows Of 2017

We could sit here and waffle about ratings and critical praise all day, but the big question is, which were the best comic book TV shows of 2017?

1) The Punisher

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Now, here’s the cold, hard truth: The Punisher works because it plays out like a crime drama and not a comic book or straight-up action series. Much like Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy explored the damaged psyche of the characters, so does this show. This isn’t only about Frank Castle’s one-man war on crime and revenge, but it’s a frightening tale about PTSD and the betrayal of one’s country.

Jon Bernthal brings the perfect balance between aggression and damaged, delivering a powerful portrayal of a man who’s trying to find purpose after loss and grief. However, it’s Ben Barnes’ Billy Russo who steals the show with his metamorphosis throughout the season. He’s a bad guy and an opportunist, but damn, you can’t help but like him.

At the end of the day, no other show addressed the important societal issues that The Punisher did. It had the balls to tackle the hard stuff and not shy away from it.

Tell us, which were your favorite comic book TV shows of 2017? Let us know in the comments section below.