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9 Great Superhero TV Show Characters Who Weren’t From The Comics

3) Harrison Wells (The Flash)

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From the off, Harrison Wells has been one of the most fascinating characters on The Flash. In season 1, he was seemingly Barry’s benevolent disabled mentor but was really Eobard Thawne AKA Reverse-Flash AKA The Man in Yellow AKA the murderer of Barry’s mother. That persona is, of course, The Flash’s arch-enemy in the comics, but Wells himself is all-new for television. And, it has to be said, a more significant part of the show than Thawne is.

What’s great about Wells is the show’s knack for keeping him fresh and unpredictable, by serving up a slightly different version of the character each season. After Reverse-Flash was defeated, the Earth-2 Harrison Wells – and his daughter Jesse – shacked up in STAR Labs to help the gang stop Zoom. After Barry has changed the timeline, another new incarnation arrived in season 3.

It makes for a unique character and Tom Cavanagh has to be commended in the role(s), as he plays each Harrison with subtle differences but still makes them feel like the same person. We now couldn’t imagine The Flash without him.