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8 Once Great TV Shows That Lasted Too Long

Few TV shows can keep up the quality over an extended runtime. While they might start at the top of their game, a few seasons later the bar starts to drop and before you know it your favourite series has become a shadow of its once great self.

1) The Simpsons

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There’s no denying that The Simpsons in the 1990s was one of the most significant and timeless shows in TV history. If it had finished around the turn of the millennium, it would have preserved the amazingly high hit ratio of the show. Unfortunately, The Simpsons is still going sixteen years later and it jumped the shark many years back.

Unlike previously mentioned series, there wasn’t really one big decision that caused a downturn in the series’ fortunes. Rather, it was just the show’s ridiculously long life span that dulled the sharp wit and heart of the first few seasons.

Thankfully, the heights of its early years are still enough to keep the show fondly thought of by most people. Still, the series is a poor imitation of itself nowadays and has undoubtedly lasted far longer than it should have done.