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The 10 Greatest Episodes Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

20 years ago, there appeared on our TV screens a chosen one. She alone stood against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And she saved the world. A lot.


8) Innocence – Season 2, Episode 14

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The beating heart of Buffy was always how it used the supernatural as an allegory for the drama of teenage life. For instance, in Buffy, high school really is hell as Sunnydale High is situated on a Hellmouth. Season 2’s “Innocence” is the finest example of this as it sees the shocking moment when Angel loses his soul and turns evil.

After sharing a night of passion on Buffy’s 17th birthday, the couple’s “moment of perfect happiness” breaks the curse that made Angel good and reverts him to his demonic self. It’s a huge turning point in the show’s narrative, but it’s also a genius metaphor for the tragic sexual experiences that many face in reality.

That’s not to suggest that this is a dour, ‘Very Special Episode’ type, as there’s lots of demon-slaying fun to be had, too. In fact, the episode gives us one of Buffy’s most badass moments when she destroys the evil Judge with a rocket launcher. That’s our Slayer.