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The 10 Greatest Episodes Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

20 years ago, there appeared on our TV screens a chosen one. She alone stood against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And she saved the world. A lot.


3) Hush – Season 4, Episode 10

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As Buffy is often praised first and foremost for its unique style of quip-filled dialogue, a silent episode of the show could have been a terrible idea. Instead, it allowed Whedon to stretch his hand at delivering some visual storytelling, sight gags and some downright chilling horror.

“Hush” is primarily remembered as the scariest episode of the lot, due to the ever-grinning, snappily-dressed Gentlemen. These monsters, that steal your voice so they can cut out your heart without you screaming, are literally the stuff of nightmares and one of the most memorable monsters-of-the-week in TV history.

But “Hush” also excels in other ways, too, such as its clever exploration of how verbal communication is far less efficient than physical communication – as several couples grow closer over the episode due to the lack of speech.