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10 jaw-dropping revelations from ‘The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard’

Lifetime's 'The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard' left us all completely stunned, but here are the 10 most jaw-dropping revelations.

Image via Lifetime

Warning: The following article mentions sexual assault, abuse, and other sensitive topics. Please read with care.

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It’s been nearly three weeks since Lifetime’s bone-chilling docuseries The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard officially aired, revealing a plethora of shocks, surprises, twists, turns, and undisclosed information about the personal obstacles and struggles of Gypsy Rose Blanchard during her childhood and adolescence.

And yet, three weeks past the series’ network debut, folks are still asking questions and looking further into a variety of jaw-dropping bombshells that Blanchard herself dropped during the special. From small tidbits of information that was already well-documented to miniscule details that most people had no clue about, these revelations have since stuck in folks’ minds and been at the forefront of discussions surrounding Blanchard and her adult life now. 

So, while the entire nation continues to ponder questions about Gypsy Rose’s life and binge-watch the six-episode special from Lifetime, let’s dive in and explore the 10 biggest bombshells she dropped during the docuseries.

Gypsy’s family didn’t want her to marry her husband Ryan

Image via Instagram / @gypsyrose_a_blanchard

While this might not appear to be a huge revelation, it’s undoubtedly a surprise for those who believe Gypsy Rose and Ryan have a fairytale life. In reality, her family was extremely hesitant about her getting married, with her family members insisting that she should date fresh out of prison to truly understand the experience of a relationship. Nevertheless, Gypsy Rose married Ryan despite her family’s concerns, and it appears the couple are doing well.

Dee Dee Blanchard handcuffed Gypsy to her bed for weeks

Photo via Greene County Sheriff’s Office

OK, family opposing a marriage is a circumstance that occasionally makes sense, but handcuffing your own daughter to her bed? Yeah, that’s definitely a huge no-no. The entire ordeal originally happened after Gypsy Rose attempted to escape from her mom’s abuse and ran away with her boyfriend at the time. In the end, Dee Dee Blanchard eventually found Gypsy, which prompted her to chain Gypsy to her bed for two weeks to prevent her from leaving again.

Gypsy’s mother poisoned her own stepmother

Image via Lifetime

While some might view Dee Dee’s abuse as a shock, it’s worth noting that her daughter wasn’t the only person she targeted — with members of the Blanchard bloodline revealing Dee Dee poisoned her own stepmother, Laura Mae, while Dee Dee and Gypsy Rose lived with Dee Dee’s stepmother and father. Dee Dee’s choice of poison was revealed to be Roundup, which is, horrifyingly, used to kill weeds.

Gypsy’s boyfriend Nick had a sadistic vampire “alter ego”

Gypsy Rose Blanchard
Photo via Apple TV Plus

When Gypsy Rose first met her boyfriend Nick on Facebook, all seemed relatively normal. However, Gypsy soon learned from Nick that he had an “alter ego” by the name of Victor, who Nick insisted was a 500-year-old vampire with a powerful BDSM fetish and a desire for harming others. Gypsy later revealed in the docuseries that it was “Victor” who killed Gypsy’s mother from Nick’s point of view, although the entire ordeal is undoubtedly shocking.

Gypsy recorded a walk-through video of her mother’s eventual murder 

Image via Lifetime

Upon Gypsy and Nick being found after Dee Dee’s body was discovered, Gypsy Rose was taken into police custody for questioning. Despite denying any involvement or knowledge of her mother’s murder, police eventually discovered a home video recording that Gypsy had sent Nick as a way to go over the plan of killing her mother Dee Dee. The aforementioned video even included Gypsy’s hand on the video making a stabbing motion, which ended up being the way in which Dee Dee was killed.

Gypsy once shot her mother

Gypsy Rose Blanchard montage
Screengrabs via ET / ABC News

When the first attempt to run away went unsuccessful, Gypsy Rose made a second attempt to escape from her mother. Only this time, Gypsy forcefully pulled the trigger on a gun her mother purchased and shot her when she tried to stop Gypsy. In the end, the gun was revealed to actually only be a BB gun, with Dee Dee suffering minor injuries. Dee Dee then explained to the hospital staff that she was shot when a man attempted to rob her, further keeping up her faux persona and sticking with her lies and abuse.

Gypsy’s grandfather allegedly molested her as a young child

Gypsy Rose Blanchard
Screenshot via Waukesha County Jail

One of the biggest bombshells revealed in the docuseries was when Gypsy insisted that her grandfather Claude molested her while Gypsy and her mother were living with Claude and Laura Mae. Interestingly, Claude was being interviewed in the same docuseries, and flatout denied having ever molested Gypsy, and instead insisted that Gypsy would try to touch him inappropriately when she was young. After learning of Claude’s comments, Gypsy proclaimed that she no longer wants “anything to do with him.”

Gypsy’s boyfriend Nick allegedly assaulted her after the murder

Gypsy Rose Blanchard
Photo via Dr. Phil/YouTube

After the premeditated murder of her mother, Gypsy revealed that Nick “demanded” for his girlfriend to get naked and let him sexually assault her. Originally, Nick wanted to assault Dee Dee before murdering her, but Gypsy explained that Nick allegedly assaulted her instead after she said no. Nick was never charged for sexual assault, as stated in the Lifetime docuseries, but Gypsy remains consistent that it happened.

Gypsy was addicted to her mother’s painkillers

Screengrab via YouTube/ABC News

Going through an enormous amount of psychological abuse takes a serious toll, without a doubt, which eventually led Gypsy Rose to become addicted to her mother’s painkillers. Due to Dee Dee’s own personal conditions, Vicodin was kept in the household, causing Gypsy Rose to become addicted after numerous dental surgeries. Gypsy is now sober in the present day, but she was certainly open about the addiction and the pain that it caused her during the docuseries.

Gypsy’s mother put a voodoo spell on her before her murder

Image via Lifetime

Without a doubt, the most jaw-dropping revelation during the Lifetime special happened when Gypsy Rose tearfully revealed that her mother Dee Dee put a voodoo hex on her by creating a concoction of Gypsy’s menstrual blood, a cow tongue, and a picture of both Gypsy Rose and her boyfriend Dan. Dee Dee then proceeded to place the concoction in a mason jar and buried the entire container in the backyard of their house, insisting that her daughter would never find love or be happy.