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9 Reasons Why Mr. Robot Is The Best Show On TV

7) It Taps Into A Mood

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Some shows just happen to come along at exactly the right time. Mr. Robot, with its grassroots revolution, its talk of inequality and the 1%, and its technological savvy, is the most current show on the air right now. It’s so current that the pilot skewers Bill Cosby and Tom Brady, while the final episode references the recent Greek crisis. What’s most important about this show, though, is the mood it happens to tap into.

In the US, you have Bernie Sanders; in the UK, Jeremy Corbyn; in Europe, Syriza and Podemos. Right now, there’s a growing global anti-establishment vibe, and Mr. Robot seems specifically catered to the growing number of people in the world who’ve had enough of an increasingly unfair system.

It champions the people at the bottom, while portraying those at the top as power-hungry psychopaths ready to be toppled by angry lower-classes. It honestly couldn’t be any more relevant.