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10 TV Characters Who Were Written Out Way Too Soon

Some TV characters we have to endure far longer than we can stand, while others end their on-screen journeys at just about the right time. But then there are the ones who are taken from us far too soon.


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Some TV characters we have to endure far longer than we can stand, while others end their on-screen journeys at just about the right time. But then there are the ones who are taken from us far too soon.

We’ve all been affected by a heartbreaking character death or tragic exit, but sometimes it goes beyond our personal feelings. On occasion, it’s just plain dumb to remove a certain beloved character from the equation, in terms of the narrative of the show, and doing so can end up severely damaging the series as a whole.


So, on that note, here are our top ten picks for TV characters who were written out of their respective shows far sooner than they should have been. If we’ve left off your worst offender for this, remind us about them in the comments section below.

Oh, and a big spoiler warning for the TV shows still on the air is definitely in order.