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10 TV Characters Who Were Written Out Way Too Soon

Some TV characters we have to endure far longer than we can stand, while others end their on-screen journeys at just about the right time. But then there are the ones who are taken from us far too soon.

9) Charlie Pace (Lost)

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Charlie Pace Lost

Over its six seasons, Lost killed off so many characters that it was hard to keep track. While some of them were welcome (no one shed a tear when Paulo and Nikki kicked the bucket), others were downright heartbreaking. Probably the most emotionally taxing – and controversial – of the show’s deaths was that of Charlie Pace.

The washed-up (literally) rocker stood as many fans’ favourite of the Losties, winning them over with his all-round sweetness, but that didn’t stop him from being written out in season three in a complex plot about destiny and averting the future.

There was some consolation in the fact that, thanks to all the crazy time travel and flash sideways, Dominic Monaghan popped up a couple of times after Charlie’s death. However, that doesn’t make up for the fact that he should have been around permanently for a lot longer.