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10 TV Characters Who Were Written Out Way Too Soon

Some TV characters we have to endure far longer than we can stand, while others end their on-screen journeys at just about the right time. But then there are the ones who are taken from us far too soon.

6) Tyreese Williams (The Walking Dead)

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Tyreese (2)

This list wouldn’t be complete without The Walking Dead. When your show is set in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, it’s an occupational hazard that the characters are regularly going to snuff it. Still, one such death we could have done without was the loss of loveable leader Tyreese.

It might have been one of the most emotionally taxing moments in the whole show, but Ty was such a good guy that there were several characters who should have met the wrong end of a Walker rather than him. Plus, the character had only turned up in season three (somewhat later than in the original storyline from the comics), so he definitely deserved to stick around longer.