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10 TV Characters Who Were Written Out Way Too Soon

Some TV characters we have to endure far longer than we can stand, while others end their on-screen journeys at just about the right time. But then there are the ones who are taken from us far too soon.

4) Oz (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

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Daniel ‘Oz’ Osbourne is actually one of the longer-serving characters on this list, arriving in season two of Buffy and not leaving until midway through season four. For such a great character, however, that wasn’t enough.

Usually, memorable TV characters win us over with their big personalities. The opposite is true of Oz, as he was so unassuming and stoic that you couldn’t help but like him. The writers did their best to kill off our affections for him, though, as he left because he had an unsavoury affair with another werewolf and broke off his fan favourite relationship with Willow. It was a sudden and uncharacteristic plotline that could have been handled a lot better.

One good thing that did come out of Oz leaving is that it brought Willow together with Tara, forming one of the first lesbian couples on TV.