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The 100 Review: “Contents Under Pressure” (Season 1, Episode 7)

The CW has auditioned a lot of shows over the past few years. Some of them stuck, but most, sadly, never found their niche audience. The 100 doesn't fall into that category, however. Although it started off a little shaky (as most series do), 0ver the last seven episodes, the writers have continued to offer fans something to look forward to, and with that, a reason to keep watching, creating the foundation for the 100 to not only survive on the screen, but off it as well.



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At first, you may have been quick to dismiss Raven after she arrived on Earth, presuming that since she was an obstacle standing between Clarke and Finn, she was disposable. With Bellamy’s growing soft spot for Clarke, and Raven’s rather necessary skill set, it looks like she’s going to be sticking around. The only thing still bothersome is the constant ‘guest star’ attached to the actresses’ name. Besides being a critical new asset to the 100 on the ground, she’s also presents an interesting challenge for them. Since she didn’t come down with the original group, she hasn’t conformed to the social hierarchy that formed previous to her arrival, and therefore doesn’t seem to fall under anyone’s jurisdiction.

Raven is a wild card. Her character is bold and brash and passionate in ways that frankly make for a solid television experience. Watching her take charge tonight in the interrogation against the grounder, taking it even one step further than Bellamy was willing to go without reservation, it shows that she doesn’t hesitate in the face of danger – she acts. However unceremonious it may be, she gets results. Or at least, isn’t afraid to try all the options at her disposal.

Ultimately, the hero on tonight’s episode of The 100 is Octavia. She’s a character that should especially not be underestimated. Originally she was the butt of jokes about her unorthodox upbringing, cowering under the floor panel in her family’s living quarters to avoid being discovered. Now, she’s a survivor. Her voice may not carry as much weight with the 100 as Clarke, or even Raven, but she may prove to be the bravest member of the group. Her life was stilted in space due to circumstances beyond her control, but she isn’t wasting any time now that she’s essentially been freed from the purgatory that she existed in before.

The grounders still remain this mysterious entity, but Octavia has formed a bond with the one currently taking up an unwilling residence in the cargo bay. The growing hostility between Bellamy’s crew and the grounder after the recent tragic shift of events is palpable. Yet, despite the monster Bellamy made him out to be, he caved when Octavia’s life was at risk. Humanity on Earth has clearly not been entirely lost.

Unfortunately, it certainly has been restricted in space in the most predictable twist all season. The proclamation, “we are on the Titanic, and there aren’t enough life boats,” may have been left hanging in the air creating an overtly ominous cliffhanger, but the writers have been leaving breadcrumbs leading us to this moment all season long.

Were you surprised by any of the developments on tonight’s episode of The 100? Let us know what you thought in the comment section below!