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The 20 Most Shocking Game Of Thrones Moments

Perhaps more than any other show this decade, Game of Thrones has reveled in its ability to wrongfoot an audience. Shocks come with each new season. It's a series that's constantly trying to catch its viewers off guard, butchering and beating up its key characters mercilessly in a constant, concentrated effort to surprise.

3) Jon Snow’s Watch Is Ended

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jon snow death

Jon Snow’s resurrection in season six was never a big surprise, considering the press had sighted Kit Harington working on-set numerous times. The death before the rebirth at the end of season five, however, was one of Game of Thrones’ true shockers.

It was to nobody’s astonishment that Ser Alliser Thorne led the rebellion against his eternal Night’s Watch rival, but that half the Watch turned on Jon to corner and kill him still stings. Knife after knife is plunged into the new Lord Commander, then all we’re left with is the sight of him bleeding out in the snow – another well-loved character apparently dead before his time.