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The 20 Most Shocking Game Of Thrones Moments

Perhaps more than any other show this decade, Game of Thrones has reveled in its ability to wrongfoot an audience. Shocks come with each new season. It's a series that's constantly trying to catch its viewers off guard, butchering and beating up its key characters mercilessly in a constant, concentrated effort to surprise.

9) Blowing Up The Sept

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In one move, Cersei’s enemies are conquered, and herĀ path to the throne is cleared. As Game of Thrones massacres go, Cersei’s destruction of the Sept of Baelor and everyone within it might not be the hardest-hitting, but it may just be the single biggest mass execution in the show’s history.

We all suspected Cersei would have a plan to rid herself of the High Sparrow, Margaery Tyrell, her brother and father, and uncle Kevan Lannister – but few probably expected her method would involve taking them, half the Faith MilitantĀ and a good portion of King’s Landing out all at once. That’s where wildfire, unseen since the “Battle of the Blackwater,” comes in. And as a single candle burns to the wick, all of Cersei’s problems are explosively dealt with.