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5 Things To Know About Game Of Thrones Season 5

Before the premiere on Sunday, check out our list of 5 things that you need to know about Game of Thrones Season 5.

Who Runs Westeros? Girls

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While the Sand Snakes add a triplet of badass and dangerous new ladies to the world of Game of Thrones, it’s also clear at season’s start just how many of the most powerful Y chromosome-carriers in Westeros have been killed or removed from power. Daenerys used her dragons to help “convince” the eastern free cities to give a matriarchy a try, but it’s only now that so much of the old guard in Westeros is gone that women used to wheeling and dealing from the sidelines are taking the country by the reins.

With the sweet, but naive Tommen seated on the throne in King’s Landing, one of the biggest power struggles in Season 5 is between Margery Tyrell, his wife-to-be, and Cersei, the boy-king’s mother. Remember all that passive-aggressive sniping between the two last season? Well, there’s plenty more of that, only now without Tywin around to glue the shaky Lannister/Tyrell alliance together. It’s a great rivalry complemented by continued smaller stories from Brienne and Arya, who have to start making new destinies for themselves.

More than ever, it’s the women of Westeros pushing the story forward –even perpetual object of pity Sansa Stark is ready to start making some moves this year. Surprising, right? Well, get use to it.