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7 Characters We Want To See In Legends Of Tomorrow Season 2

7) Detective Lance

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This one will make sense, I promise this wasn’t just an easy fill.

Paul Blackthorne has been one of the most consistently strong aspects of Arrow and has, without a doubt, been the show’s greatest asset when it’s come to delivering emotional moments. So, with Sarah traveling time and space and Laurel still frustratingly deceased, what will the show have for him to do when both his familial tethers to the vigilante lifestyle are gone?

Beyond wisdom there’s not much in the way of powers that Lance could add to the team, but for the sake of Blackthorne’s talents, he’d be much better utilized on the spaceship, in constant worry about his daughter now that he truly only has her left.


6) Vixen

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It seems rather unfortunate that all this character got was mini animated episodes when her character was so delightfully odd when we meet her in her live-action debut. With the ability to access the powers of any animal, she’s quite literally a force of nature.

Quick on her feet, clever and equipped with many a zinger, her charms would match off well against the rest of the Legends of Tomorrow cast, which loves its quirky heroes and would help find a home for this wayward hero.

Another selling point is the mystical nature of her powers, filling the void that Hawkgirl left with the ancient source of her power. What’s better is that Vixen is effortlessly more interesting and that just about any character at all would seem like an improvement over Kendra and Carter.