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8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Doctor Who

It's truly remarkable to see Doctor Who turn 50 years old, and as a longtime fan of the show, it makes me very, very happy. Of course, with five decades of history under its belt, we also get five decades worth of useless trivia that may only fascinate the most hardcore Who fans.

3) David Tennant and Steven Moffat Almost Met Many Years Ago

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Earlier this year, at the 50th Anniversary BFI screening of the Fourth Doctor adventure, The Robots of Death, Steven Moffat revealed a pretty cool piece of information. Many years ago, back in the Tom Baker era of Doctor Who, Moffat spent hours in a queue for Baker’s autograph. As it happens, David Tennant was also in the same queue, on the same exact day. Talk about coincidences.

First of all, how cool is it to know that both the Tenth Doctor and the current showrunner stood in line to get an autograph from the Fourth Doctor? It reminds you that the people working on the show now are fans who grew up with it, and also reminds you that one of the little kids standing in line at a convention today to get Matt Smith’s autograph might end up being a major part of Doctor Who in the future.

Also, to think that two young fans who happened to be at the same place, same time, but never met, ended up working closely together for the same reason that they were in the queue in the first place, is astounding.

Watch out, the next person you meet at a convention could end up being the famous Time Lord.