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8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Doctor Who

It's truly remarkable to see Doctor Who turn 50 years old, and as a longtime fan of the show, it makes me very, very happy. Of course, with five decades of history under its belt, we also get five decades worth of useless trivia that may only fascinate the most hardcore Who fans.

1) Matt Smith’s Destiny as the Doctor Was Written 45 Years Ago?

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In 1968, the Second Doctor got a new companion by the name of Zoe Heriot, and a new TARDIS crew was formed between Jamie, Zoe and The Doctor. She was perhaps one of the first companions to be as smart as The Doctor too, or at least understand all the technobabble he spouted. She was a great companion, and was played by Wendy Padbury.

When Padbury finished acting many years later, she became a theatrical agent, even representing some Doctor Who folks such as Nicholas Courtney (The Brigadier), Colin Baker (The Sixth Doctor) and Mark Strickson (Turlough). But the best thing she did? Discovering Matt Smith at the National Youth Theatre.

She set him across the path that lead him to being cast as The Eleventh Doctor by helping him find roles at the beginning of his career. If she hadn’t found success as The Doctor’s companion way back in the 60s, perhaps she wouldn’t have become an agent, which would lead to not discovering Matt Smith at the right time. Or maybe it would’ve happened anyway because they’re fixed points in time or something, you never really know.

To put it in perspective for someone not familiar with Classic Who, imagine that Billie Piper was the one who helped Matt Smith become The Doctor. Or that Karen Gillan discovers whoever becomes the 20th Doctor way into the future. It’s quite fascinating.

Padbury wasn’t the only Doctor Who actor to become an agent either. Janet Fielding, who played Tegan Jovanka in the Fifth Doctor era, represented Paul McGann when he was cast as the Eighth Doctor. While she didn’t discover him, she may have been one of the reasons he got the job.

On the flip side, both Fielding and Padbury refused to represent David Tennant when he was a young actor, so I suppose they’re not always right. But it all seemingly worked out for the best in the end.

So there you have it, some of the lesser known bits of Doctor Who trivia. Tell us, how much of this stuff did you guys know already? Are there any cool bits and pieces that I missed? Let us know in the comments section.